My main goal with this blog is to help everyone at home realize that good quality tasty food is not out of reach. Hopefully, all you novice cooks out there will see that even you can make some pretty rockin food. Most people are afraid to try "fancy" things because they look like they are difficult to prepare and a lot of the terms used in some of these books might as well be in a foreign language. {and sometimes they really are} I want to help relieve some of those fears and walk you through the process. Its really not as difficult as it looks.
On a side note........People always think that since I'm a chef I must eat this nice ALL the time. Sadly no. After looking at food, talking about food, and tasting it all day {I promise, its not as glamorous as it sounds}...... the last thing I want to do after an 11 hour day is come home and cook. We eat a lot of cold cereal at my house. Its sort of like I wouldn't want to be a housekeeper then come home and clean my own house. The Chef world is amazing, but mostly you are either:
On a side note........People always think that since I'm a chef I must eat this nice ALL the time. Sadly no. After looking at food, talking about food, and tasting it all day {I promise, its not as glamorous as it sounds}...... the last thing I want to do after an 11 hour day is come home and cook. We eat a lot of cold cereal at my house. Its sort of like I wouldn't want to be a housekeeper then come home and clean my own house. The Chef world is amazing, but mostly you are either:
A. Cooking for someone else {and then you usually never eat any of it}
B. Paying to have someone else cook for you.
Cooking for yourself rarely happens. I think this is actually the only job out there where you are working with food but will starve because we're too busy to eat. That is another reason why I want to do this. I want to cook for myself more and actually eat what I cook. Great, now I can't wait until my first real post. I'll probably do something tomorrow since I'm so excited. I'm gonna get super chubs. Good thing I just started going to the gym again.

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